Pas mau praktek berhubung ga nyimak milis , pas bikin semua plek dari resep ga pikir lagi,ternyata di KBB kali ini host sengaja nyuruh para KBBers jeli hihiihi di resep disebut ngebakar 56 menit ternyata cuma 5 atau 6 menit , oalahhhh tie set timet sesuai resep , tapi baru 20 menit diliat udah rada2 hangus hihiihi langsung baca2 di milis ... jadi tau deh , artinya lain kali kalo dapet pr kudu bener2 nyimak milis n resep deh. ini resepnya buat yg mau nyoba.
Source: Donna Hay for Canvas, NZ Herald.
185g butter, softened
1 cup caster sugar
1 egg
2 cups plain flour
½ tsp baking powder
1 cup icing sugar
1 tsp peppermint flavouring
2 Tbs water
200g dark chocolate (70 per cent cocoa)
1 cup cream
Preheat the oven to 180C. Place the butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat until light and creamy, add the egg and beat well. Sift the flour and baking powder over the egg mixture and fold through.
Gently knead the dough to bring together. Roll the dough between two sheets of baking paper to 2mm thick. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Cut out 36 x 7 x 5cm rectangles. Place on baking trays lined with baking paper and bake for 56 minutes or until golden. Allow to cool on trays
Waktu proses buat biskuit semua ngikut ke resep kecuali tepung , semuanya masih lancar-lancar aja .
Combine icing sugar, peppermint flavouring and water, and mix until smooth. Set aside. Combine the chocolate and cream in a saucepan over low heat and stir until chocolate is melted and smooth. Set aside.
Sandwich three biscuits biscuits together with peppermint icing. Repeat with the remaining ingredients. Lightly grease a wire rack and place over a baking tray. Place the layered biscuits on a fork, dip each one into the chocolate mixture, place on the rack and refrigerate for 2 hours or until set.
Berhubung tie buat ketebelan jadinya tie cuma tumpuk dua aja , untuk coklatnya tie pake campuran coklat 65% dengan DCC , terus biskuit dimasukin ke coklat setelah coklat rada dingin alhasil coklatnya tebel banget , tie langsung masukin aja ke kulkas tapinya kelupaan jadi pas di keluarin dari kulkas retak-retak :( , kapan kapan kalo bikin bener2 kudu diperhatikan nih, banyak trik-triknya biar dapet hasil yg bagus :)